Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 13- 16th March (CRASHHH!)
Dragging myself out of bed as usual, for my morning jog! I need to have motivation in running or else I’m gonna grow sideways sooner or later with the amount of snacks we buy everyday! I do not know the reason of us snacking so often here! :( And I believe that 80% of our cash that we have spent is on foooood! ;o

Alright skipping that, lessons today was as per normal. We were taught on project costs and how to reduce it to the lowest. The drawings of the AON diagram have to be done over and over again until the lowest cost is achieved. This makes the entire assignment very tedious. On the other hand, I find it interesting and fun drawing so many boxes :D As I know the concept and way to do it, I think that it isn’t that tough after all :)
Pictures i caught during lunch!:
This is their way of putting up advertisements and notifications. Still manually use glue to stick the paper to the board.

Guess what they're looking at?! From an angle, it looks like they're doing their small business huh? They are actually reading newspapers! The papers are all pinned up on the board. Interesting? :D

In Singapore, these type of cameras are usually hidden from the public, so as to ensure safety. Furthermore, it'll be as small as possible. However, the surveilance cameras here are huge and it is in the middle of no where ;o


After lunch, we had lessons all the way until 4. It isn’t easy to have such long attention span you know! ;@ But i will concentrate for as long as we can, Ms Neo! :) All groups stayed back to discuss for our project presentation on Thursday. I’m quite happy that our group was able to have our discussion completed so efficiently and effectively since this is our first time working together! Ms Neo had to lock the classroom at 6, so all of us had to return to our dorms already. The local students came knocking on our doors unexpectedly again, as usual. We wanted to have something different from what we always have (fast food, road side stall). So they brought us to a stall just behind the streets which is surprisingly halal! I believe the owners and cooks are muslims. There is only a very small number of muslims (a minority) in China Wuhan. They may not look like one, but they do dress and sound different from the rest. There’s a wide range of food served still though they have food restrictions and they taste equally good (:
Egg and beef noodles :D

After dinner, we went to the convenience shop nearby to stock our ration again!! Fat fat fat :( Returned to our dorms after which, continued to update my blog and now I’m trying to do up the presentation. I doubt I’ll get to sleep early tonight :(

I feel that project costs is a rather important element in project scheduling as the project manager would need to know when the various costs of the project have to be paid. He is then able to ensure that necessary funds are available. There is one way of reducing cost based on the projects that have indirect costs which are proportional to project duration. It is called cost crashing. This is the topic that requires the drawing of boxes again and again! I think there’s a need to practice on these type of questions so that it will be easier when we have limited time to do during exams. There are several costs related to cost crashing, which are quite important as it affects the total time and cost.
It isn’t easy to meet minorities here over in China as their countries population is way too large. But having met one type of minority religion this night, I think it is a new kind of exposure. I feel that it is important to understand and respect people of different race and religion by learning a bit of their culture. This will result in a harmonious city, country or even world :)

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