Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 3- 6th March (Shopping!)
It is yet another free day for us :) The air conditioned seems to be giving out colder and colder air :( There is no warmth in the room at all! Anyway we heard from the guys that it snowed for 30mins early this morning. But we missed it! We had their local buns that is sold by the streets, for breakfast :) Im still wondering how the stall vendors can withstand such harsh weather conditions!
After our breakfast, i took my very first bus ride in Wuhan! It was an experience, totally. They do not have bells in the buses and good drivers are supposed to stop at every bus stop to see if anyone wants to board or alight. However the driver that we encountered was very reckless and seemed to be rushing for time! The buses in Wuhan are different from the SBS buses we have in Singapore. Be it the seating arrangements, the design, the advertisements and all. The types of advertisements pasted on the buses in Singapore are all related to the country or the bus services alone. However, the advertisements in the buses in Wuhan are all commercial and business advertisements.
The route of bus 702.

It was an hour bus ride from a street near the school, to the largest shopping center they have in Wuhan. I swear it is larger than Ion and Vivo. Plus im not sure if it is considered an indoor or outdoor shopping center because it is not fully sheltered and we were literally shivering while shopping!
This is the printer ink that is used to print the neoprint that we've taken. The 'neoprint machine' is the traditional kind where we have to choose the backgrounds manually. A whole new experience :)

The 'neoprint' we took!

So after our shopping, we had dinner at this small shop in the mall. There was a large variety of food for us to choose from!

We entered to arcade after having our dinner. 1RMB for 2 tokens which is rather cheap! :) The games are all similar to the ones in Singapore. As we wanted to rest for the night, we took a return bus ride back to the school and it was back to our dorms to rest for the night :)
Bought Beard Papa for our hosts :)
Overhead bridge.
The tickets we won from the arcade and 'neoprint' :)

Adapting and getting used to the habits and culture here are quite important factors to live well in Wuhan. I feel that we, Singaporeans are fortunate to have such systematic traffic and well trained bus drivers. The bus drivers here do not really care about the safety of their passengers and the drivers on the road are as reckless. This makes it really dangerous :( The crowd and squeeziness we experience during peak hours, are what they experience every bus ride. At any time of the day, the buses are as full. This is because they do not have the MRT, unlike Singapore. On the other hand, the people in Wuhan take care of the school's safety well. This is taken outside the school. I believe it is to prevent outsiders from entering the school. The shop owners that i encountered are quite friendly so far. They do try their best to serve their customers, us, to the fullest, till we are satisfied. I believe Singapore salespersons are weaker in this aspect. I think i should be able to adapt to the life in Wuhan soon! :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 2- 5th March (Intro to school & Free and Easy)
Had a short good sleep the night before! :) Woke up, prepared and met the rest of the group @ 0930. The lecturers brought us to tour around the campus and classrooms we will be using for our lessons. We visited the computer labs and medical clinic in the school.
Looks better than Ngee Ann's :x
It was drizzling in such a cold and freezing weather :( Thought i can adapt to the temperature, but it isn't comfortable to tour and study in winter!
We then had our lunch at the school canteen. The size of the canteen is about the size of Makan place, with a wide variety of delicious food :D We are given a card, which has a credit of 100RMB. The canteen do not accept cash. So whenever we buy our food, we just have to tap our card, and money will be deducted. So Eline Meowlin Charmaine and i ordered 4 dishes and had it with rice. It cost less 20RMB!! Cheap and tasty :)
Our food :D

We went back to our own rooms and arranged our own schedule. So we walked to the supermarket nearby, which is combined to a shopping center. We experienced something weird. It is that when we walk out from the supermarket with our bought stuff, we cannot enter again! I do not know why, but we were stopped by the security :/
Ice cream in winter! :)
Look at the wires.

After buying our needs and wants, we headed back to the hostel to keep our things before going out for dinner! The local students brought us to the restaurant nearby to have Hot Pot! :}
Duck blood is goooood! :]

Returned to our rooms for the night then :) I am shivering whil typing this post... There is something wrong with the air con :(

When we were over in Singapore, how we wished the temperature would be colder. But now that i'm here at Wuhan, i hope and wish that the temperature would increase!! :( I finally understand how the foreign students feel in winter. It is a whole new experience to study in the cold season and i'm rather looking forward to Monday when our lessons will start. Also, i feel that the system in the canteen is rather efficient. The card operated system seems to be more effective. The students are rather lucky to have their personal medical hall in the school, which makes it very convenient for the students. This is rather unique because i belive there isn't anything like that in Singapore? Besides, it doesn't seem far when we walk to and fro from place to place though the University may be big. Unlike in NgeeAnn, where there are slopes and hills we have to climb. I feel very glad to have the group of local students helping us to meet our needs and giving us little little knowledge about Wuhan.
Day 1- 4th March (Departure)
Got up early at 3 in the morning, scanning through all my belongings, seeing if i've left out anything to bring for the 42 days at Wuhan! Reached the airport and Ms Neo helped with the checking in of luggages, we bade goodbye to our family members before we board the plane at 7.
Us with the lovely parents @ Changi Airport.
My group members: Cynthia, Ron and Charmaine.

Upon reaching Guang Zhou airport, while waiting for our domestic flight, Eline Meowlin Charmaine and i had deserts at a nearby to fill our stomach for the time being :) Had a taste of what the food of Guang Zhou is like :) We boarded the plane and reached Wuhan at about 5.39pm in the evening!
We were welcomed by this lovely group of China students whereby they will voluntarily offer to help with our bags and luggages. The temperature when we first touched down was 6 degrees celcius! It was manageable because i have been exposed to colder weather conditions. Took an hour bus ride to our hostel, which is in Wuhan University. Though the buliding may look a little run down, but i was rather surprised with the condition in the rooms.
A proper toilet!
A proper table!
A proper bed!
All these actually gives a proper room! (Y)

After which, we split ourselves into small groups and we were brought by the China students, to a small restaurant nearby. Our first dinner here, which consisted of 5 dishes and 1 soup, was delicious! Headed to small convenient shops to get our necessities (Pail, cloths, hangers, drinks, slippers, etc.). Thanks to the friendly group of local students, or else we couldn't have had got what we wanted to easily and quick. Got back to our dorms as early as we could, unpacked our luggages, settled down before we could rest for the night :)

It was great to have such friendly and warm group of local students to host us upon arriving at Wuhan. This gave me a really good impression on the education system and upbringing of people in Wuhan as it was what i experienced the first thing i touched down. After communicating with the students, i realised that most of them are quite a keen learner. They are interested in our Singapore life and culture. On top of that, they put in their best effort to communicate with us in English. As this is not the first time i'm stepping on the land of China, i know that the locals do talk louder than we Singaporeans do, and spitting is a norm to them. Well, i guess this is what we have to adapt to and not give a 'face' when we see it. As it was all dark, i didn't had the chance to observe the architecture and special design of buildings, which is what i'm most interested in.