Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 4- 7th March (Free and Easy!)
Had a very very short sleep the previous night because of the poor internet connection but i still have to blog! My room mates and i brought our dirty clothes to the laundry shop just opposite our hostel. 1 bucket: wash and dry cost only 4 RMB! :) After which, we met up with the guys for breakfast along the street nearby. Ms Neo joined us too! We were all satisfied with our breakfast :D
Fried rice with toppings at the top. It looks like Singapore's carrot cake! :o
At the roadside stall

It is our last day of free day before our very first lesson is conducted! The local students then brought us to the park and and theme park. The scenery there was pretty so we took a few snapshots and headed for the thrilling rides!
They have candy floss toooo! :)
The dried up trees make pretty pictures :D
My dearest group members :)
Us with the friendly local students!

I find this sculpture really meaningful. It sort of depict the linkage, relationship and reliability of a pair of hands.
The name of the theme park we went to
It was already evening after we played only 4 games D: The toilet in the theme park has no doors! We were so shocked when we saw that, but we still went ahead with it. It was a whole new experience i swear. Thank goodness my friends were with me so they helped to block ;)

I find the buildings unique as i don't get to see them in Singapore.

Haunted house. A few of them cried after coming out! But it wasn't that scary after all :)

We took a cab down the city area. It is like our Orchard Road where all the festive celebrations will be held :) It is a long stretch of road with lots of people too! The lights in the district flashes on and off non stop. I do not know why, but i think it is too give the place some atmosphere? :)
We then had our dinner in a buffet restaurant called Wen Kai Pi Jiu Wu. Had a really filling and good dinner :) By looking at the array of food in the buffet, it tells me that the people in China are really daring in their diet. At the same time, it is good food. It's just that we do not know how to appreciate :/ (E.g Brain)
My favourite banana :D

We took a short walk and took a taxi back to the hostel. I believe there was some miscommunication, which resulted in Meowlin, Eline, Charmaine and i alone in the cab! First we do not know the exact location we were at, secondly we do not know the exact address of WUST, thirdly we do not know the directions and where the driver is heading. It was quite a long journey but we managed to reach the other side gate of the Uni safely. We were lucky that the driver isn't weird or anything like that or else i guess it'd be THE END.

It feel that it is important to watch the hygiene of the stall that you are visiting, especially those by the road side. The food may be nice but who knows if what has come into contact with it? :/ In order to enjoy to the fullest, one should be pro active and daring to try out the different things available in Wuhan. Like the games, activities, food and things like that. These are the little things that make us learn more about Wuhan. The experience that i had in the toilet today was horrible! They local students said that it is rare to see such toilets in China. I never knew.. :x So i guess we were rather lucky! Though this is seen in Wuhan, but i think that not all citizens are that open about this kind of stuff as i saw them leaving the toilet upon realising that there's no door. The government should probably do something about it, so as to give the tourists a better impression and the visitors a more comfortable experience. Now lastly, it is very very important for us girls, to have the company of guys wherever we go. It was really dangerous for us tonight as anything might happen, and we could not have defended for ourselves.

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