Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 38- 10th April (Last shoppinggggg! )
There’s nothing planned for us today, so it’s another free day! :D Ms Neo said that our luggages have to be packed by Monday noon or else things may happen when passing the customs. We most probably will not be going anywhere tomorrow, so today’s the last day we have for SHOPPING :{ We went out to meet the local students, with the intention of printing a class T-Shirt for our classmate. But we walked from place to place but there isn’t any that can have the shirts printed within 2 days :{ Such a pity. So we just walked around to shop for our own stuff. As usual, before we know it, it was time for dinner. As we wanted to continue to shop after dinner, we just settled our meal at Kfc since it is a fast food restaurant!
Continued our shopping session along 步行街. Bought so many so many things. Now I got to trouble and think how I’m going to have my thing packed :{

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