Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 39- 11th April (Rain is the ultimate spoiler :{)
The sky was dark when I woke up this morning. I knew it was going to be a rainy day because the sky was all gloomy. No one was really in the mood to go out at that point of time. Most of the groups were doing their group work also. So all I did was stay in the dorm and update my blog as much as possible and at the same time collate the pictures for the video presentation! I do not know how fast time pass until Sihao came knocking on my door and said it is coming 6 already. He wanted to go to 光谷 to redo his hair as it wasn’t acceptable :\ So Charmaine, Meowlin and I accompanied him since we had nothing much to do :) In the end, he just had a hair wash there :@ Before we left, we tried out the Starbucks there! Not bad, their cakes and deserts taste good too :} I got to see many Caucasians and foreigners in there. I believe it’s because it is an International company.

I’m troubling as I’m typing this post because my check in luggage is weighing more than 30kg! :( Now I got to think of ways to carry heavy stuff on my hand..

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