Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 33- 5th April (Project, once again..)
This morning when I woke up at 0745, I almost fail to drag myself out of bed. It felt as if it had been a long time since we had lessons! Did our usual routine and set off to class. Efficient Ms Neo has finished teaching all the topics already and she did revision with us today. We did PM 2009 paper and it was still manageable ;) But Ms Neo said that our coming paper would not be as easy as the one we did D: Arghh! Got to study even before returning to Singapore :\ She went through with us the paper. We were supposed to return back for the afternoon class as Ms Neo wants to go through with us the 2010 paper. However majority wanted to do on their own and have the afternoon to do project!

The girls and I went out to get lunch and some snacks to store in our rooms. And all we did for the entire day is project and project and project. The only rest time had is when we went out to buy dinner at about 2030. Then we continued doing our preparation for presentation all the way till midnight :\ Now it is currently 1 and I’m brushing up on my group’s report. My eyes are weighing a ton now. I shall hit the sack soon to replenish my energy level for tomorrow’s presentation! Good night; xoxo! :)

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