Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 35- 7th April (Interaction with students!)
Everyone thought today was going to be a free a day since Ms Neo declared the end of lessons. However there was a last minute plan to the new WUST which is the Huang Jia Hu Campus (黄家湖校区), built about 5 years ago. The journey from Qing Shan (青山) Campus, which we’re located at now, to the new campus, is close to an hour and a half. When we reached, there was a large group of about 60 students welcoming us where we alighted. After that each of us has to pick a number which is used to assign us to different students. They are in-charge of guiding us around the campus. My apologies, because I’ve forgotten her name :{ She is studying her first year in WUST, under the sector of foreign language- English.
24! :D

First up on the itinerary is a short introduction and performance from WUST and Np.

Next, we were brought to their school library which was equivalent to our National Library! Scary?! :\ The reason why they bring us to the library is not because they want us to read or whatsoever, but it’s because the school’s history is displayed in a mini exhibition center in the library.

The reason why it is called 校史馆 is because 学 + 历 = 校史. Haha interesting? ;) I find it really special to have an exhibition center of your school’s history and story and success exhibited for others to see. Furthermore, there’s a miniature model of both the campuses at青山 and 黄家湖. A year 2 senior is also assigned to explain to us the information displayed, in detail, just like a tour guide. If the local student didn’t mention, I’ll never guess that she’s a student. The way she speak, her tone, her gestures and everything else that helps to portray her, makes people think that she’s one mature lady.
These 2 plaques are from Ngee Ann to WUST!

After touring around the exhibition center, we went to their school canteen to have lunch. The food served there cannot be compared with the food served in the 青山 campus. It is so much nicer here and the service provided is better. Even the students themselves say so :\ Anyway after lunch, we walked around the school and watched a basketball match held. The heights of the players vary to the max!

Something interesting! This is a tree taken care by a class. Each class is assigned to look after a plant by watering them. Cool huh. I think this helps to strengthen the bond between each member of the class.

Next up! Some interactive games arranged by the students. As I had to take photographs, I wasn’t involved in the games. As a third party, I could see which pair is well-coordinated and united, which is not.
Some students have their PE lesson. And this is what they wear! :O

After which, they brought us to the biology section! D: I suppose this wasn't in our itinerary :\ I studied Biology in secondary school but i never had the chance to see whatever i got to see today!! The following pictures might be quite gore so skip it if you know you can't take it :o I took pictures of them because it interests me ;)
This is the professor

We returned back to the school at about evening time and we quickly get ready to leave for 光谷广场 again for free treatment! :} Our night was spent doing our hair and dinner only.
My hair dresser! He's only 22 :}

This afternoon program did leave me a rather deep impression as it gave me a chance to interact with more local students. I thought that it was a good experience for everyone who went as it allowed us to learn more from different students. As I communicated with my partner, I learnt more about the lifestyle and education system here. Besides that, I could see a great difference from the facilities provided in the old and new campus. The students here are especially warm and friendly. I do not know if it has got to do with how they were brought up, or is it because they were just acting upon orders from their teachers. Whichever the case, I think being over friendly is the cause of certain awkward moments experienced. It made me feel a little uncomfortable. But I still do appreciate the care and hospitality shown.

I believe that today’s experience was memorable not only for me, but the entire group that went. The games and activities organized by the students enhanced the bond and friendship between us and our new friend. Although I met my new friend for only 5 hours, I appreciate her time spent the whole afternoon.

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