Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 32- 4th April (Happy Birthday Sihao ;])
So now I can finally say the reason why we were always late for the past few days. It is because we were busy planning for Tan Sihao’s birthday and we had to rush to order the cake for him early in the morning because we had no other spare time D: Last night at 11 plus, the 6 of us from 1S03 and 4 other local students gathered and waited for time to pass. Everything was going on as planned. Meowlin made Sihao do project in her room, and after that forced her to return back to his room because Jean and Meixiu wanted to sleep. The timing was so perfect! We all hid in Sihao’s room toilet and we appeared when we walked into the room. His face was priceless! He was shocked, surprised and touched. He never expected us to have had any celebration for him.

The local students prepared a gift for him. They made a holder for him out of clay. Meticulous rightttt! Also they sang the song ‘朋友’ and recorded it into a CD. We all sang together when it was played. A few of them were on the verge of crying. That moment was indescribable. It portrayed the friendship built when we were here 5 weeks ago…

We then gave him the present we bought ;) It was cutting cake and smashing cake session for the birthday boy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIHAO, hope you had an enjoyable birthday here in Wuhan with us! You’re a member k ^^

After eating the cake, we left and Charmaine and I continued doing our project. Cost crashing was almost killed us. The AON diagram as well :( We did it a dozen of times and finally got a matching one. Patience is the key man. We could only turn it at close to 3.

This morning, I woke up at 10, followed by Charmaine at 11 plus. We continued working on our project and blog till about late afternoon and we decided to go out. Skipped lunch but I don’t feel hungry at all :{ Hmm, the consequences of doing too much Cost crashing! Haha joking. We went to 江汉路, once again. Sihao told us that the entire stretch of street is like a Pasar Malam kind of place. They call it 步行街. When we reached there, it was around 6plus already. It feels like I’m at Chinatown on Chinese New Year’s eve! The crowd was horrible. Squeezing and pushing is like a norm to them. Though it may be the Pasar Malam kind, but the price aren’t as low as you think ;o However, the entire stretch does not open until the clock strikes 5pm. And when it is raining, it is not open! Well but I cannot deny that it is a good place to get cheap stuff as compared to shopping centers. You can get almost everything there as well. Please do not look down on the stretches of street that continues left and right and never ending. We intended to go to Wal-Mart to get some local delights. But when it is about 9, the guys have not finish shopping and we have not even finish the whole步行街!! There’s like no end to the road D:

As they’re not done yet, we decided to go back on our own first because we did not want to be late. It took us years to flag for a cab! Minutes past, seconds past, and 4 of us girls ended up in the Bread Car together with the 3 guys again! Do not ask why, because I do not know too. They’re just plain lucky! ;@

We returned back to the hostel a little later than the curfew >.< Guess what we did again?

Yup, I think you’re right. It’s project and blog again!! Just 1 more day to presentation and we’re free for the rest of the time in Wuhan! :D Motivation ^^ And again, I turned in about close to 3 :(

I realized it is very dangerous for girls to stay out late in the night in Wuhan. At about 10 in Singapore, it is still considered alright. But I think it is best to stay in before it is 10. The streets are especially dark and it is not easy flagging a cab like in Singapore. Furthermore, there are private cars/ bikes or “illegal transport” that drives slowly towards you and ask if you want to hop on while you’re waiting for a taxi. This is how all these people earn money I suppose? As they know that it is difficult to get a public transport at that point of time, they’d hope to get the business from you. Well some may really be doing business, but I believe it is still not safe :\ I think the government do know about these, and they should have actions taken! :[ I’ve not come across this situation in Singapore and it was a little creepy just now. Thankfully I have my friends with me. I cannot imagine if I were alone.. (which I think is highly impossible ^^)

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