Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 22- 25th March (SHOPPING!!)


Our first written test here, is finally over! Roommates and i woke up early to do some last minute revision! >.< It's the very first written test that i'm having overseas. The tension and stress level received from the other students put me on pressure. From the corridor of our hostel to D: But soon after, it was over! The paper was alright, but i have doubts in doing well :( But it's no use crying over spilt milk right. What i hope is a grade better than average :/ Ms Neo knew that a few of us weren't feeling well, so she cancelled this afternoon's class for us to rest ;)

The 4 of us immediately thought of shopping as a reward for studying hard the past few days! Heh :] The last time since we shopped was the first few days we arrived here, which is close to a month ago already! Don't time pass fast. We took the public bus with Jean and Meixiu to 骆喻卢光谷广场, the uber big shopping mall that we went! We were so independant this time round because we didn't need the guys to follow us :) So as usual, the 1 hr long bus ride almost killed us. It is just so amazing how 3 people can share 2 seats. Charmaine was seating on 1. A couple walked towards the empty seat beside Charmaine and th guy sat down. I was wondering if he's a gentleman :/ Yup he is, because he opened his legs wide and the girl sat in between just like that. 2 on 1 seat! Impressive isn't it? I believe if this were to happen in Singapore, it will be on STORM in a few hours.

So we finally reached our destination at about 2? We replenished ourselves with energy at Macs before our shopping spree started! It was undeniable that we're girls, seriously. We shopped and bought and shopped and bought like there's no tomorrow. You give me a week, and i still will not be able to figure the place out. It is horribly huge! Not noticing the time, the minutes hand zoom-ed past like rocket. We knew it was time for dinner when our tummy started to make noise again. During our walk around in the afternoon, we spotted a Jap restaurant and we set our eyes on it for dinner! Living up to what we say, we went back there to fill our hungry stomach :D The Ramen was average, and so was the Sushi. Something special is that it serves fries! Haha a mixture of Western and Jap.

Overall the dinner was of satisfaction. Guess what we did next...?

2nd round of shopping! Haha but it's a short one though. It was getting late and we know it's dangerous for 4 girls to stay out so late on a foreign land. So we took a taxi back. Fortunately our driver was one of the better ones. He took a short cut and even had short conversations with us. He drove past the famous 东湖. It was as big as our sea, i swear! Finally we reached our hostel and we unpacked all our new stuff :D It wasn't long before the clock strike 12! And i'm still here blogging when there's an outing to Wu Dang Shan tomorrow! D: I shall go pack soon and turn in as early as i can ;)

I feel that people in China, or specifically Wuhan since i'm here, are very open-minded. From what i saw in the bus about couple sitting together, they do not really mind and care about what others will think and feel. For example, we were astonished to see as we feel kind of disgusted. On the other hand, they are very smart and inventive in a sense that they are able to can come up with an idea like that to share seats. I suppose no Singaporeans will do something like that :/

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