Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 21- 24th March (STRESS)
Today’s lesson was only a few hours long :} What we did was just finishing all the practical there was, so that there’s time for practical revision next week. At about 11, Ms Neo released us and we were free for the day :D The usual 7 of us went to the canteen, again, to have our lunch. It was long since I had the delicious fried rice! ;) You might think that we are so lucky to have free time to enjoy huh. NOOOO! The afternoon is for us to revise for our test tomorrow! :/ Our very first written test. Thank god it is mainly on drawings and concept. If it was to be on theory, I think I’ll not survive! Anyway my whole afternoon was just spent on blogging and revising on Chapter 1 to 5. We just stepped out of the hostel to get dinner back and here am I blogging while studying while eating! I shall sleep early tonight so that I have enough energy for the 90minutes test tomorrow! :)

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